Today, 4th of November, is the 32nd wedding anniversary of my parents. And I am so proud and blessed to say that despite the numerous trials our family had and problems they encountered as a couple, they are still together. Our relationship as a family isn’t perfect especially that of my parents as my dad and mom are very opposite in many ways...except for the looks (they’re both good looking...just look at their children! Hehe!) They are one of the many examples of “opposite attracts.” However, no matter how wearisome it must have been for them accepting their differences and countless shortcomings, SEPARATION WAS NEVER AN OPTION. Their commitment to love and incessant forgiveness made them come this far. More so, I believe that their love for God primarily which they found in marriage bonded them even more.
I also know of a young couple who is so compatible that they play one of the best music you can hear in this generation – ate Agat and kuya Jojo – the Brevs’ voice supervisor and Music Director respectively. It is always a joy to visit and see them work together at their own home. They share the same interests and have same goals. They work as a team while enjoying the company of their only daughter and lovable retriever golden retriever. The best, however, is their good hearts and their dedication in offering their work for the Lord. We are inspired and learn a lot from them.
Opposites or not, does it really matter? What matters most is that for those who are deciding to take the vocation of a married life should always put a big weight on a relationship that will lead them to a deeper relationship with God—together. It is also not enough that a partner is supportive of the other’s dream. The dream should be SHARED between the two so they have the same direction in life...making them inseparable and having a deeper emotional why in achieving it. Furthermore, the dream should lead them again to God. And, it is only when God is the center and Head of the family will a marriage work for a lifetime. It has to be a spiritual family first and foremost. I like what Robert Kiyosaki mentioned in his book, Rich Brother Rich Sister:
“Family number two is our spiritual family, the family that draws us with its call, the promise of acceptance, true understanding, and happiness. It is a community in which we know the power of unconditional love and find that which we know, in our hearts, is missing from our life.
Our spiritual family is our true home, an environment where we can live the life we are born to live and gain the perspective and ability to accept and appreciate other thoughts and points of view. There are many paths to finding your spiritual family: marriage, education, religion, career, friends, teachers, and even crisis and despair.
Finding your spiritual family in marriage is finding your soul mate. There is no more powerful union than two people who find each other to share another life together. As we all know, divorce rates are high. While there are many and varied reasons for divorce, one is loneliness – the loneliness and emptiness of being married to a person who is not your soul mate. There is a big difference between loving your spouse or partner and loving a soul mate.
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